Birthday fun!
First of all, happy birthday to Lis Loves! She happens to be my blogger birthday twin.
Secondly, I have about a million things to be thankful for this 26th birthday of mine. I had a super fun weekend with many friends from all walks of life. The celebrating really started on Thursday for me when I got last minute tickets to Coldplay with a friend of mine. We were in the pit about 10 feet from the stage and had a RIDICULOUS time. That concert was right up there with Radiohead on my best concerts ever list. SO GOOD.
Friday I got to sleep in a little and meet my co-workers at the beach around noon for an outside planning session. We just enjoyed the sunshine for a bit before talking for a couple hours in the sun. Later that evening we went to a local bar to hear our friends Moxy Bullets play. I went to bed relatively early because Saturday I woke up at 5:45am!
Saturday consisted of a whole lot of sunshine and fun. A friend of mine invited me to join some folks on a boat around Mission Bay. We cruised, went wakeboarding, tubing, stopped on fiesta island and watched the Over the Line tournament, and just had a bunch of fun. That night my good friend Bryan and his girlfriend drove in from Arizona to enjoy birthday celebrations. We went downtown with my roommate and another friend and had a couple drinks and danced for a bit.
Sunday I had a pool party at a family friend's house (pictured above). This is my third birthday pool party and it's the best way to celebrate in my opinion! Just chilling in the sunshine hanging out with friends. The best part about the day was just having good friends hanging out with me and having my parents show up in the middle of the day! The reason this is exciting is because my mom finally moved out to San Diego so my parents are living 25 minutes from me now. And Maggie, our golden retriever, too! After the pool party we went to Balboa Park to see Moxy Bullets play (again) at the pride festival and then went out to eat dinner at Ortega's - YUMMY Mexican.
I had a wonderful weekend, but MAN am I exhausted! Thanks to all my friends (especially Teresa who helped out so much on Sunday) who helped me celebrate!!
Beautiful pool! :) It sounds like a wonderful weekend, and I'm so happy for you that your parents aren't across the country anymore... though I hope it doesn't mean fewer visits to Oxford! We have to have at least some chance of actually getting together in person! :)
more photos please.
and more time for me please, so that medical school could stop ruining my plans to visit you.
Sorry Bre - I'm lame and didn't take any photos at the pool party. This one photo my friend Erin took before anyone else even arrived! I'll do better next time. :)
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