Saturday, May 15, 2010

Three months with no post. Suppose I'm not a true writer as I don't have the right 'flow' or consistency to keep a blog anyone will care about.

Today I just feel happy and blessed. Blessed to have what I have. Blessed to have an amazing supportive family...a job that pays me to do good things...friends that put up with me...and a man who loves me deeply. I go through loads of ups and downs. One day I'm floating with butterflies in my stomach and nothing but positive happy thoughts and dreams. Another day I'm frustrated and ready for the next thing. Hoping that something will happen to bring everything together to make those dreams from more positive days reality. I realize all I can do is my best. Keep praying and trying and stickin' to it, whatever 'it' is. Enjoying the journey rather than wanting everything to happen immediately at once.

What is next? WHEN is next? I wish I had insight into the next steps on my journey so I could plan everything else around it. Knowing when the light at the end of the tunnel will appear would help me feel more confident. Even if it's a long ways out - knowing it exists would be comfort.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Stress. Worry. Anxiety.

But lots more Love.

And for that I am thankful.