Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm having an overwhelming day in terms of emotions. I feel incredibly happy and excited....and yet worried and anxious at the same time. When you come to a point in your life where you need to make a decision...a change...all of a sudden you wish doors would just open to point you in the right direction. Sometimes having options can be a hard thing. How do you know you're making the right choice? I suppose you just take a leap and pray for the best, knowing you have people in your life who will support you regardless.

Yes, yes....lots of vagueness, I know. But I feel that the above applies to many things in my life that I don't need to go into detail about individually at this moment.

On another note, my best friend from high school ("Sass") came to visit this past weekend. It was so nice to have her here for a bit and see my life. And such an honor to be able to shop for a wedding dress with her! Our first stop was the beach (photo above). The rest of the weekend we went shopping, walked around, watched movies, relaxed, experienced Little Italy Festa, and just enjoyed hanging out with each other. Shopping for wedding dresses with Sass was so much fun. I loved seeing her facial expressions as she tried on each dress....knowing immediately what she thought. And I loved seeing her face as she tried on 'the' dress (although she didn't necessarily settle on it yet). I just saw her face light up and she couldn't hide her smile. Seeing Sass happy is one of the most wonderful things I could experience...she deserves the world. I have to admit, that it's very difficult to shop for wedding dresses without imagining yourself in one. It's hard to talk about wedding plans without secretly planning your own in your head. We all know that's a ways off and I'm desperately trying to stay grounded here. Regardless - I loved the weekend. I love being dreamy. And I'm hoping to have some clear direction soon.