I've been the most stressed I've ever been in my life. Just too many things going on at once. Work has been crazy with one less person around and I can't seem to get everything I need done. On top of that, I have class two nights a week from 5:30-9:30. And then we got fleas! In our apartment! So there were days of getting them off the cat, having someone come spray...and then a week or two later realizing they were back (sigh). So yesterday they came and sprayed again. And it's a much bigger ordeal than you would think. All the stress has caused a headache to take residence in the left side of my face. After 10 days of said headache I went away for the weekend to Chicago to visit friends and attend a wedding. I had so much fun in Chi-town that I thought I had rid myself of the headache all together. Until I arrived home Sunday night to cat barf on my down comforter and an evening of vacuuming and moving furniture in preparation of the flea spraying dude. Today the headache is back. Day 13. I'm hoping I get some more things accomplished at work this week and when I finish class on Wednesday I will feel a little less stressed and this headache will surrender.
I promise not to complain in every post.