Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while since I've posted...but I need to back up a bit and update about the election.  We all knew this would be a historic election, but I never knew it would be to this extent.  That morning, I went to the local library to cast my vote.  I had to wait 30 minutes in the rain - incredible!  The man behind me had two sweet kids in line with him who randomly burst out with American the Beautiful.  It was so appropriate and perfect.  The highest voter turnout ever...and Barak Obama as president.  Holy crap I'm excited!  Throughout the night I got text messages from my family talking about how proud they are.  

Mom: 8:16pm 11/4/08
I'm so proud.  Tears are running down my face.  It's like independence day. President Obama!!!!!

Dad: 9:26pm 11/4/08
Wow! What an amazing speech.  I will never forget this moment.  I am proud to be an American at this moment in our history.  My tears are those of incredible joy.

I had planned on going to the Sullivan's house to watch the election with a my dad and some of the Sullivan's friends.  But that afternoon, I found out that Qualcomm had 4 free tickets to the Madonna concert and Dan Sullivan had given me the opportunity to take them!  I was so excited and immediately called Denise, Teresa, and Becky to join me.  We arrived at the park and called the guy at Petco who came out and handed me 4 tickets, letting me know that if there was anything in the way of our view that we could trade them in for different seats.  We found our seats near the front of the stadium and were SO excited.  There was a speaker that was partially in our view, but no way were we going to complain about free seats!  About 20 minutes before the concert started, a woman from the park asked me if we'd like floor seats instead. Umm...YES!  So we got our wristbands and headed onto the floor.  There we ran into some friends of ours and found our seats - just one section from the stage (maybe 50 feet away).  The concert was incredible and Madonna was beyond elated.  She announced to the crowd Obama's victory (although I already had text messages from dad and Mike to let me know).  She must have said "I'm so happy right now" about 4 times.  During Ray of Light, she forgot the words to her song and stopped to laugh letting us know it was because she was so f*ing excited.  Before the last song or two, the whole crew came out wearing t-shirts with Obama's face that said "express yourself".  She saw the empty spaces from the aisles and said we should fill up all the empty space immediately.  Security held their ground and Madonna insisted Security let us through saying, "Let us celebrate together for once in our lives!"  We ended up running forward about 5 feet from the stage and each time she mentioned Obama the crowd erupted. 

It was certainly an incredible night that I will never forget.  Part of me wishes I had been with my dad and listened to Obama's speech that night live, but nothing will change the fact that I voted for Barak Obama on November 4th, 2008.  I sure hope he lives up to our expectations.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope.  So many thoughts/emotions surrounding the election results from yesterday.  Foremost is the hope that Obama will bring.  More on that later.

For tonight: I feel a bit lost.  In a funk?  Unsure of myself.  Lack of confidence? yuck.